Reservation and Rescheduling Policy

Reservation and Rescheduling Policy

  1. Emergencies and Reprogramming:
  • In the event of a valid emergency, clients must notify us at least 4 hours prior to their scheduled appointment to reschedule their training session.
  • A limit of 3 emergencies will be allowed for agenda rescheduling.
  • Emergencies should be exceptional situations and duly justified.
  1. Changes to Time and Date:
  • If a client needs to change the time or date of their appointment, a notice of at least 24 hours in advance is required to facilitate rescheduling.
  • Changes to time and date are subject to trainer availability and must be mutually agreed upon.
  1. Late Arrival by the Client:
  • If a client fails to arrive for their scheduled appointment within the first 20 minutes, the trainer has the right to consider the training session as completed.
  • This time is considered crucial for the optimal utilization of the training session.
  1. No-show Policy:
  • If a client fails to notify us of their absence and does not show up for the scheduled appointment, they will forfeit their training session without the option to reschedule.
  • It is important to respect the time of our trainers and allow other clients the opportunity to utilize the available time slot.
  1. Utilization of Rescheduling:
  • In the case of rescheduling personalized training sessions, the newly scheduled appointments must be utilized within the same calendar month.
  • This helps us maintain agenda organization and ensures equitable service for all clients.
  1. Communication and Rescheduling:
  • Clients can communicate with us via WhatsApp to report emergencies, request changes to time or date, and arrange for rescheduling.
  • It is important to provide all necessary details for proper management of the rescheduling process.
  1. Purpose of the Policy:
    • This reservation and rescheduling policy aims to ensure the quality of our services and respect the time of our trainers and other clients.
    • We strive to provide personalized and efficient attention, and this policy helps us maintain agenda organization and deliver quality service.

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